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Enlightenment…Right here… Right Now..!


Language:- English

Author:- Sirshree

Pages:- 256

Publication:- Tejgyan Global Foundaton

Categories: ,

1 in stock



ATTAINING COMPLETE ENLIGHTENMENT The very purpose of man’s life is Enlightenment – the realization of our oneness with the Universal Consciousness through the experience of our essential nature. Self Realisation is just the beginning. Being stabilized in the experience of supreme unbroken bliss, the qualities of the Self are expressed through the human body. Thus the journey of Complete Enlightenment is from Self Realisation to Self Stabilisation to Self Expression. This book is a definitive guide on various questions that a seeker on the quest for enlightenment has. What is enlightenment? How can it be attained? What are the paths and the roadblocks? What are the missing links? The completeness to Enlightenment is provided by the five sections of this book, viz. * The Meaning – WHAT is Enlightenment? * The Major block – WHEN is it attained? * The Methods – HOW to attain it? * The Magnificent State – WHERE does it lead to? This book also throws light on prevalent beliefs about Enlightenment. We need not wait until ‘death or a Judgment day’ in the hope of deliverance. The Self can be experienced now! This book unfolds this supreme possibility of our life.


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