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Carpet Hug and The Emerald Veil


Language:- English

Author:- Nancy Bansal

Pages:- 179

Publication:- Blue Rose One

Categories: ,

1 in stock



 Amidst all the chaos in her life, she holds on to the desperate hope of finding an emerald love, a love that will make her whole. Aparnesh is a village boy whose life is dominated by his family’s carpet business. He has an unsaid debt to her for the freedom she’s brought into his life. Is he the love she’s been looking for? Or is it someone, or some thing, else entirely? Even through all the confusion and hurt, she’s thankful for every human who’s been a part of her life, be it her best friend Kafiza or the orphan, Abheer, who taught her what it is to love. Will she find what she knows is around her but just can’t get? And when, if ever, will she forge her own dreams and live?


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