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Delhi To Pokharia On Feet


Language:- English

Author:- Swati Omprakash

Publication:- Author’s Ink Publishing

Categories: ,

1 in stock



“Delhi To Pokharia On Feet” is a story of a migrant worker called Gaya who walked more than 900 km from Delhi to reach his village Pokharia in state of Bihar along with his brother’s family. A pandemic was announced in the world because of which Government announced a sudden lockdown of 15 days which was further extended leaving lakhs of daily wage earners in a helpless situation. The unprecedented lockdown turned the lives of these migrant worker’s life upside down and made their survival uncertain in big cities. There were no transports available, and all the businesses were shut down which eventually pushed these poor men and women to take this hard step of walking to their homes. Their sufferings were further exaggerated by the heat waves of April – May month in India. They walked miles with empty stomach holding hands of their families. From escaping the eyes of police to paying for over packed trucks, their journey was full of cry for their survival. The sight of a small children dragging their blistered and swelled feet pained whole of the nation. By the time Government help reached, many of them had already lost their lives in the process of saving their lives. It was one of the most distressing images of year 2020 which will always be remembered. This book is a tribute to all those migrant workers who lost their lives in “walk to their homes”.


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